Fill-in-the-Blanks Walk
Walk led by David Stokes
I set up my 'Free Tour' sign at the south east side of Nathan Phillips Square, across from the pool. A group approached and asked about the tour. They were a family with 5 kids. I explained that we would go around the square and give funny names and descriptions to the stuff there. They agreed to come with me. I gave them all pens and a paper with these words to be filled in.
(random object)
(random group of living things)
(random reason)
(any made up name).
(any number)
(line from a song)!
(any sort of activity)
(Toronto celebritiy)
1 was the Henry Moore sculpture:
This (adjective) (object) was made by (group of living things) for (random reason). It is named the (any made up name).
2 was the Toronto:
The Toronto sign is (any number) years old, this is all that remains of the original sign, which used to read Toronto: is/ (line from a song)!
3 was the Pool:
This pool is filled with the tears of Toronto's (occupation), who wanted the pool to be (exclamation) like them.
4 was City Hall:
City Hall, which is shaped liked a clamshell, makes Torontoians feel (emotion) because of laws and licenses governing (any sort of activity).
5 was the flame:
This flame, which is designed to cook (food) for (Toronto celebritiy).